We are located at 9301 Panther Way, Waco, Texas, across N Hewitt Drive from Midway Middle School on Panther Way (near Hewitt Elementary). The map on our Directions page can help you find us.
On Sundays we have 1 worship service at 9:00 AM. Sunday School (for adults - in the Fellowship Hall and children - the Youth Building) and various different Bible Studies begin with an opening in the fellowship hall at 10:30.
Sunday School opening is held in the Fellowship Hall to the right as you enter the main building immediately after the Worship Service. During Sunday school opening the youth group sells snacks, and we have free coffee and hot chocolate for our guests and visitors.
A third weekly worship service is held on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm.
Our main parking lot is entered from Ruidoso Street on the west side of the church. Look for the parking reserved for visitors on the right as you enter the parking lot, just in front of the doors to the church. Recently we have added a second parking lot which can be entered from Panther Way. Some people who need assistance with walking, such as a cane or walker, find this entrance easier to navigate since there are no steps.
Our services usually last about an hour, give or take a few minutes.
You will notice that people dress in a variety of ways according to what is comfortable to them. It can be anything from "business casual" to jeans and casual shoes. Just be yourself.
We do take an offering at each service. We believe that the offering is a chance for people to give back to God what He has blessed them with. It is an act of worship for members and friends of Peace, but guests should not feel obligated to participate. We want you to feel welcomed and comfortable as you visit. Please feel free to fill out a Visitor slip (these blue and orange "Welcome" slips are available in front of each pew)
Each of our services follows a format that typically takes us through a variety of spoken parts including a confession of sins, a reading of Scripture, a profession of faith and prayers. Our pastors deliver relevant biblically-based messages. On any given Sunday all the services share the same theme.
We celebrate communion together on the first, third and fifth Sundays . We believe that our Lord gives us not only bread and wine, but His very body and blood to eat and to drink, for the forgiveness of sins and to strengthen our union with Him and with one another. Our Lord invites to His table those who have faith in His words, are repentant of all sins, and who have set aside all refusal to forgive and love. We follow God’s example, just as He forgives and loves each of us. Those who eat and drink our Lord’s body and blood unworthily, do so to their great harm. (see 1 Corinthians 11:27-28)
***If you desire to take communion with us, but are not formally instructed or are in doubt about our confession of faith, we ask that you first speak with a pastor or an elder before service begins. You may ask any usher who the Elder is for the current service.
Those not receiving communion, including small children, are encouraged to come forward to receive a blessing. Simply cross your arms over your chest to indicate to us that you desire a blessing rather than communion. If you would prefer to stay seated, just let the usher know when they come to call your row.
For very young children, we have Kids Korner (a volunteer run nursery) located right outside the sanctuary, staffed by church members, if you prefer to not take them into the worship service with you. Our Kids Korner Ministry is for children infant, up to 4 years of age, after that age we encourage children to attend worship service with their parents, however we understand at times children older than 4 need to attend the nursery and we support your decision and welcome them. Please sign your child in upon arrival. Volunteers will be there to greet you and answer questions you may have on our policies and procedures.
During the worship service, there is also a short children's sermon, or object lesson, for which the children come to the front of the sanctuary. This lesson is done by either the Pastor or our Family Life Director. Even small children in the nursery are invited to return to the sanctuary for the children's service. However, if your child is quite young or unsure about coming forward in a strange place, you might wish to accompany them to the front and remain close-at-hand on the front pew during this lesson. We encourage families to participate in this portion of the service as we can all enjoy the lessons taught each Sunday.
For children who come into the sanctuary for the service, there are tote bags with crayons, paper, a children's bulletin, and a clipboard to keep them busy during the service. Stop and let your each of your children take one. They are located on a stand next to the nursery. Return the supplies and tote to the stand after church.
For your security, the Ushers lock the entry doors during church services. A usher will remain in the Narthex to greet visitors and members and allow access. The Youth Building will also be locked for our children’s safety. Please knock on a door or window for entry. If you see someone suspicious, please tell someone – Thanks Board of Trustees