In I Corinthians 12, Paul explains that the church is made of members with different skills to serve the many needs of the congregation. Every skill is not the same as all other skills, but every skill is useful and necessary to the building of the Body of Christ. The Time and Talent Sheet is just one means of fitting your skills to the Body of Christ in the most beneficial manner. If you have not done so, please complete the Time and Talent Sheet and return it to the church office.
This form is compatible with most computers: Click to download PDF version.
This PDF file can be downloaded to your computer and is compatible with most computers. However, it will require printing and completing with pen or pencil. The completed form will then be mailed or hand delivered to the church office.
The following form can be completed on your computer, saved and emailed to the church office. It requires MS Word or a compatible program on your computer. Click to download MS Word document.
This form can be downloaded to your computer then opened with MS Word or other compatible program. If you are using an alternate program such as Libre or Open Office, the file will need to be edited manually, but it can be done. If you are using MS Office, follow these steps. Some of you may not need these steps, but I have made them rather detailed to help if necessary.
Thanks, for helping to make the body of our church complete.